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Jonny Lindhe rapporterar från USA

Jonny Lindhe, Hangtown

Im sorry i have not write anything for a while but i been really busy with everything training,sponsors everything.
Here is a report from the last month.

Everybody for sure wonder what happened the first race in Glen helen when i didnt make it to the finale.
This is my explanation that i didnt wanted to talk about before the race there, 2 weeks before glen helen i was and practice in Perris raceway and i did a BIG crash… If you are a rider or even ride a bike you know what a sit bounce is?? i should do that with one of the doubles there and i managed in some how to get in neutral in my gearbox and i went a double frontflip i crashed so hard i dislocated my Collarbone, after that i was only 1 time to try ride the bike before Glen helen and i had a lot of pain so i had to take a lot of pain killers.
Thats my explanation for not make it to the main in Glen Helen.

Second round in Hangtown.
I felt better in my collar bone even it was only 1 week later, On the
morning training qualification i managed to have 3rd time and that was
enough to make it to the finale,, i was really happy and i was ready
for 2 35 min moto.

1st heat, I started on the outside and in the middle of the start
straight i pushed on my brakes and went in to the inside and i was like
30-35 in the start and from that point i had a lot of fun and enjoyed
the race it was a great feeling to be out there and ride with the best
in the world and be one of them, I managed to be 35 the first heat.

2nd heat, I had pretty much the same start but in this heat i managed
to be 31 overall but i didnt had the same feeling with my bike and the
track as in the first heat but anyway it was fun and a great
To assume the weekend i know what i have to train on and hopefully i
can stay in one piece and on 2 wheels for the rest of the season.

Text och foto:

/Tomas, mxstar crew

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