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Nytt jobb hos Red Bull för Morgan Carlsson


Morgan Carlsson har skapat sig ett namn inom FMX scenen och det har nu gett honom nya utmaningar som eventansvarig hos Red Bull United Arab Emirates.

– Min starka sida från den bakgrunden jag har i Cirque du Soleil är mest att jobba kreativt med nya event.  Sammansättning av marknadsföring, funktionalitet och utförande. Det är ju det jag gillar vare sig det handlar om FMX eller Cricket, berättar Morgan om varför han är det bästa valet på sin nya position.

Red Bull UAE är Red Bull United Arab Emirates, alltså mellanöstern.

– Jag har redan skägg och frugan har burka, meddelar Morgan från plats i Abu Dhabi.

Hela pressreleasen på engelska

Hi guys,

I know it’s been months since my last update, but mostly cause I´ve been involved with things that I wasn’t allowed to say much about anyway.

The ones that know me closely has seen that I’ve put my FMX carrier on the shelf. After 8 years, 61 countries, more memories then you can remember, and stories that would make Motley Crüe look like bird watchers, it was time to take the next step in life.

I was approached by Cirque du Soleil to work with them as Acrobatic Designer for a new project that went under the production name “Arena 2013”. Doing shows on that level and scale is what I live for, being able to go knee deep in creative work and come to amazing solutions, that is what I want to do in life. And I will return to the show business at some stage.
So after traveling back and forth to Canada for some months I decided to do my last FMX show late August. It felt like an honor to finish of my carrier at Solberg Extreme in Norway on Andre Villa’s invitation.

It’s rough times and so even for Cirque du Soleil and our project was canceled late November. Leaving me without work and without a FMX carrier to lean back on. But I’m very good with set-backs and even enjoying life changing issues like this. Makes me feel free, broke but free.

I wrote my first ever CV and I was offered the job as Sports Specialist for Red Bull UAE as a result. It felt like a natural step for me to take on such mandate, and I feel like I have a very interesting and educative era of my life coming up. I’m looking forward to do the best job possible and trying to attribute some of my spice to it as well.

I want to thank my sponsors, riders and friends that I been able to meet during all these years!
My years with FMX4Ever has been amazing! Hope to have the possibilities to work with you all again some day.



Morgan Carlson
mob spain: 0034678414201
skype: morgan.carlson

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